Hello from Vancouver, British Columbia. We are now at about 4 weeks into social distancing, to reduce the curve of COVID-19.
During these unprecedented times, I hope you have been maintaining a level of fitness that keeps you sane. And if not, that’s ok too. We’ve had to adjust our lives overnight. By doing so we ensure we’re staying safe and keeping those who work the front lines safe and healthy. Not only that, but many of us have also experienced lost wages and have had to go on EI.
We must remember that compassion and patience are required towards ourselves and others. Not only is this a thought time, but it’s also a time where it can be easy for us to let our physical fitness go.
My fitness routine has definitely helped keep me sane during this time. I wanted to share with you a resistance training circuit I’ve created.
I have a set of 8lb weights in the workout, but you can use canned goods or water bottles or 4L jugs of water (those weigh about 8lbs each.) Get creative! Set a timer for 60seconds and complete 2 to 4 rounds, making this a 10 to 20-minute workout you can complete at home. Click on the link to get a copy of the entire workout here!
I’ve also shared my Spotify playlist for you to listen to while you’re getting your sweat on! Enjoyed the workout? Then spread the love and share this workout and playlist with your friend!