I see this everywhere these days – many of us are facing a lot of similar problems. I hear it from friends, family and fellow co-workers…
We are burnt out, or tired, don’t sleep well, and feel unmotivated. We injure ourselves while working out, or notice our body is not healing well, and sometimes previous injuries are resurfacing.
Some find they are reacting to situations in a way that doesn’t feel like they are themselves.
Others are experiencing extreme bouts of fatigue and noticing they have a sluggish metabolism.
So why do we accept feeling like this and think it‘s ok??
At a very young age, we learn, to see progress we need to push ourselves. There is a need for a plan and consistent effort applied to our goals in order to see progress, but there is a missing piece we are not incorporating along the journey….
Listening to our bodies! What I mean by this is we are not always in tune with how our bodies speak to us.
Let me ask you this?
- Do you listen to your body and hear what it is saying?
- Did you honour your rest day?
- Did you take a mental break? Or did you decide to keep going and pushing through how your body was feeling?
Keep reading and you’ll find out how listening to your body’s rest cues and following up on them relates to physical fitness training and performing in our everyday life.
I know we need more ways to develop recovery systems from stress to avoid burnout.
It Doesn’t Have to Be this Way…
Many of us don’t know we have multiple beliefs deeply ingrained in our bodies that we must be pushing through our lives to achieve what we want.
We do not have to push though.
It’s not how our bodies are wired. We can push ourselves in our lives and workouts but we must also give ourselves adequate rest to help us grow.
We deserve to feel balanced, care-free, and full of vitality.
But we need to create the right environment for this to happen.
Your Plan
I strongly believe that rest is what we all need.
To make this as easy and transformative as possible for you, I have teamed up with Flory, founder and holistic health practitioner of The Rested Revolution based out of Vancouver to provide you with a 4-Week Rest and Recovery Workshop.
Together, with other high-performing humans, we’ll be each other’s support and success system while creating new healthy rest habits with the main focus on your fitness.
Durning the 4-Week Rest and Recovery Workshop You will…
- Learn the science of why rest is necessary and dig deep.
- Receive the tools and resources to help you understand and overcome all your blocks to resting properly.
- Learn how to be your own personal trainer to set up a schedule that works for your specific life circumstances, values, and lifestyle.
- Receive support to improve your lifestyle behavior so that your body can be a bit more nurturing for you.
The outcome?
By regulating our nervous system on a daily basis we will recover quicker, heal our bodies and minds.
Integrating rest in a sustainable and impactful way in all areas of our lives is incredibly important.
Imagine what could be possible!
- Creating a lasting physical regimen with your current life and actually see results?
- Not follow the latest fad or diet or what your friends said have worked for them to actually see changes in your body?
- It could be exactly how you want it with what works exactly for your needs?
What if you felt more energized and healthy, far away from burn-out, and closer to your fitness goals?
Our 4-week coaching workshop gives you an understanding of how our bodies, including the nervous system, work. You’ll learn how it is a visceral resource that shows us when, where, and what we need to rest.
The impact on our personalities and behavior by what we sense and perceive, both consciously and unconsciously (largely impacted by our current state of restedness)
We are going to deliver the science of why you need to rest and how our personalities depend on this.
Your time to rest is now! How?
If you would like to experience the right rest for your body to see yourself soar, feel motivated, energized, happy and rested please sign up for our 4-Week Rest and Recovery Workshop.
Places are limited to ensure participants get maximum attention to learn and thrive.
This course has been specially designed to equip you with sustainable tools and resources to fully embody your potential in movement, exercise and performance.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out! We would love to hear from you.
And if you know of anyone who would benefit from learning the right tools and resources to get rested please share or sign up together!