Do you ever wonder how trainers and fitness nuts make it to the gym week after week? How they seem to actually like going to the gym? Do you ever wish it felt that easy and effortless for you? I will share some healthy mindset secrets with you today that encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors.
The first secret is to be curious.
Ask questions. Get all up in your own sh*t. Look yourself in the mirror…
Ask, “Why don’t I like going to the gym? What about it don’t I like?”
Dig deep! Do you feel uncomfortable going to a public gym? Do you feel intimidated by the equipment or the other people there? Are you scared of trying something new?
I believe one of the most important things you can do to help foster a positive attitude towards exercise is to get curious. Don’t stop asking the questions that will lead you to what your blockages truly are. Until we identify what the blockage actually is we can’t remove it!
In fact, once we know what the blockage is, it’s really quite simple to address it, rationalize it and remove it. So often we have these elaborate stories we tell ourselves making simple things very complicated and hard to address.
The second healthy mindset secret is to be very, very specific about what you want for yourself.
What this means is being crystal clear on what you want.
Some people will even collect photos of other people who have bodies they want. Basically using them as motivational material.
They know if they put the work in they can attain what they want. But they also know if they know what they want then they can take a direct path to get there. So many people don’t even know what they want so there is no action plan in place.
How can you get somewhere if you have no map, no path, no experience?
Get clear on what you want. How do you want to feel and how do you want to look? You should have some sense of these desires so don’t be afraid to let them out and share them with someone.
By voicing our desire to achieve something we automatically increase our likelihood to make it a reality. Which brings us to the next secret.
Secret No. 3: Create an accountability system
One of the biggest healthy mindset secrets, or in this case maybe it’s a hack, that you’ll find in the personal fitness community is that people are holding themselves accountable to someone else even if they are working out alone.
By telling yourself that you are letting someone down if you don’t show up to your workout commitment you will be 10x likelier to follow through.
Tricking our mind is a powerful skill to have when it comes to doing what’s right for our health and bodies. The mind can be a powerful thing to have to overcome for some of us and thus we need these mindset secrets to help us out. Sometimes the mind is the only thing holding us back from achieving what we truly want.
By creating accountability with another person we are much more likely to commit to what we are doing. Working out with someone else can also be a huge motivator and commitment keeper. These are simple hacks and tips that everyone should use.
Bonus Tip: If you are serious about achieving your goals, get a coach.
Those who want to get to the next level, challenge themselves, be better…they get a coach. I use many coaches. I use a coach for olympic lifting, I use a coach for my business and I use a coach for my life. Coaches ensure you reach your goals by helping you with things like blockages, goals, accountability. Coaches are an investment you make in your future Self.
After having a lot of success with my own coaches, I decided to become a coach as well, specializing in body, nutrition and mindset.
My TRANSFORM Coaching Program includes 20 professional coaching sessions designed to help you get clear on your goals, create a lifestyle plan, create a custom exercise program, remove blockages, enhance your mindset, overcome body image neurosis and more. Sessions are customized to your specific needs.
Click Here to learn more about my Personal Transformation Coaching Program. Registration closes on Nov 1, 2018. Register before Oct 1 and get a $500 discount.